Heading abroad during an election? You can still vote!
Step 1:
Make sure you're registered to vote!
Click here to get registered in your home state.
Step 2:
Visit FVAP.gov to fill out your Federal Post Card Application 45 days before the election. If you do not receive your absentee ballot in time, you must instead submit a Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot. Use your BOSP program address as your mailing address. Find yours here.
Step 3:
Sign and
Sign your application and return it to your election authorities.​ All states accept applications by mail, and some allow return by email or fax. When you complete the form on the FVAP website, you'll see the contact info and guidelines for your state.
Step 4:
Look for info on your election materials for your state's signature and ballot return requirements and deadlines. If you haven't received your ballot by 30 fill in a Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB).

Click here to fill out an overseas mail ballot application, officially called a Federal Post Card Application (FPCA).

Click here to fill in a Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB).
Still having difficulty?
Visit the State Department website for more detailed instructions of how to vote abroad.
For state-specific questions, consult 50 State Voter Guide, though you should double-check the details with the FVAP website (click your state on the interactive map).